
This course is designed on a 1000-point scale. Brief descriptions of these assignments appear below; more detailed guidelines will be linked to each requirement as the semester unfolds.

Three essays will allow you to address a range of topics you're interested in while honing your ability to express yourself in writing. Each of the formal essays will include component activities -- including peer review and revision workshops -- that will contribute to the point values indicated above.

The revision portfolio will be the final graded assignment for this course and as such should represent a collection of your best work. It, too, will include multiple components, including an error log, self-evaluative essay, revision samples, and peer review reflection.

In lieu of a fourth essay, a service-learning project will serve as the underlying vision for the course. Requirements here include discussion posts (posted on the Google Drive) and deliverables that will serve your community partner. 

Discussion posts are listed in the breakdown above, but rather than use the standard discussion forum, most of these weekly writing topics will be drafted and shared through the Google Drive. The standard deadline for these weekly writings will be 11:59 on Sunday evenings, and there will be ample opportunity to earn the maximum points in this category. Most topics will be 10 points each unless indicated otherwise.

As detailed in the course policies, participation is an integral part of this course. Active participation will also improve your ability to complete each of the assignments above. In order to be eligible for an A in participation, students must make an appointment before midpoint to discuss one of the writing assignments.