<duedate> response: <original title phrase>Newest topic prompts will appear at the top.
exam date (12 December):
Community partner thank-you letter. Draft the text of a short thank-you letter to your community partner. Whether you send it via email or mail it, this is a good way to round out the community partnerships that have extended through most of the semester.3 December and 27 November:
Progress report for Service Learning Project. Include images and at least 250 words of text to show your progress on the project.10 November:
option 1: Complete a "water-use inventory" as described in #3 on p. 347. Reflect on your results in a paragraph of at least 250 words.
option 2: Write a paragraph of at least 250 words that indicates the issue you aim to address in essay 3. You might not have a clear thesis statement yet, but you should be able to narrow your focus to guide your research.
option 3: Provide your list of at least five possible sources for essay 3 in MLA format (25 points possible) **extended deadline
29 October (we will do this assignment in class the week of 10/28):
Draft 1, Letter of Understanding (30 points possible)13 October:
interview: Use this space to prepare the interview questions you will ask your community service partner. Frame questions carefully and thoughtfully. Remember that you will use the responses from this interview and the research you've done to compose a letter of understanding, as discussed in Deans.10 October (Thursday):
who? Keep in mind that this project requires you to work directly with a group or organization, someone who will help focus your project and reap the benefits of your efforts.
Unlike other posts, this one does not require a paragraph but instead asks for details about the group or organization you will be working with to complete this project.
Include the following:
- Name of organization or group
- Contact person
- Phone number
- Physical address
- Email address
why? In a paragraph of at least 150 words, indicate your connection to the organization or group you will be working with and/or your reasons for pursuing this type of project.
22 September:
service learning project:Keeping in mind that this project needs to be environmental in some way, continue developing your idea in a paragraph of at least 150 words, perhaps expanding on initial thoughts from the 15 September post. Use this space to write about the kinds of sources and/or resources you will need to make this project happen. Look for feedback on this post to see if you're idea is on the right track.
15 September:
Leonard, "The Story of Stuff...": Respond to one of the following prompts in Sustainability following Leonard's selections:
- Explore: #2, p. 61
- Explore: #2 or #3, p. 78
Regardless of your choice, craft a paragraph of at least 200 words in response. Make sure to clearly title your post and to respond to others who are potentially engaging in the same discussion. (20 possible points in this thread, 10 per post)
Hawkins, "Worm Stories": Include your paragraph response to no. 3 on p. 112, then write a second paragraph in response to no. 1 or 3 on p. 113. Your total response should be at least 400 words.
service learning ideas: Using what you know and what we discussed about service learning, write a paragraph of at least 200 words with two potential ideas about what you might consider doing as a service project. In part, this can be an extension of the freewriting you did on Thursday, but it should be more clearly structured and show the beginnings of development.
1 September:
writing personal narrative: In a short paragraph of at least 200 words, respond to one of the questions about bell hooks' writing autobiography on p. 34 in Deans.
writing personal narrative, ii: In a short paragraph of at least 200 words, respond to one of the questions about the student essays on pp. 37 or 39 in Deans.
Sustainability suggestion: In a short paragraph of 200-250 words, provide your justification for adding a selection from Sustainability to our reading list for the semester. Keep in mind the structure of a paragraph, using a clear, inclusive topic sentence to provide shape for what follows. Include the title, author, and page numbers of the selection at the top of the page.
on writing: Along the lines of Eglund's "Good Grammar Gets the Girl," find an article or piece online that discusses the importance of writing in today's world. Summarize the article in a paragraph of at least 200 words. In a second paragraph of at least 250 words, engage directly with the argument, integrating short quotations and interpretation of those quotes to defend or refute the author's meaning. Be sure to include a link to the original source as part of your response. (20 points possible)25 August:
community action: In a single-paragraph response of at least 200 words, describe a community action project you have been involved with in the past. Provide a clear sense of the details and aims of the project, and indicate both how you found this opportunity and the results of your efforts.
course goals: In a single-paragraph response of at least 200 words, describe your goals for the semester and evaluate yourself as a writer. What challenges exist in your writing? What elements of writing do you think you're good at?