the rhetorical triangle

Even if you haven't heard the terms ethos, pathos, and logos before, the concepts attached to these terms are familiar to you. Developing an understanding of these elements -- whether by name or by function -- will equip you for a richer understanding of the arguments around you.

Ethos establishes credibility by
    rhetorical triangle
  • demonstrating knowledge
  • establishing common ground
  • demonstrating fairness
Logos appeals to logic by 
  • providing examples and precedents
  • citing authority and testimony
  • establishing causes and effects
  • using inductive and deductive reasoning
Pathos appeals to emotions by
  • using description and concrete language
  • using figurative language (metaphors, similes, analogies)
  • shaping your appeal to your audience

This short video by David Wright of Furman University provides a good primer on the rhetorical triangle and its use in analyzing argument. 

Please watch it on your own time. We will employ some of the techniques mentioned here in class as you prepare for essay 2.