Welcome to your section of English 1101!
You may not have realized it, but this course has a special theme, focusing on issues in environmental discourse. Wherever you fall on the spectrum of eco-friendliness, an understanding of environmental discourse will help you better argue your position ... and maybe even change your mind. Students enrolled in this course will engage in small-group service-learning projects, allowing them to further their own interests and to write about their experiences. Readings will include a variety of visual and verbal texts, providing a sense of both historical and contemporary perspectives on the environmental issues around us.
Rather than distribute a paper syllabus for this course, all materials will appear electronically, and we will aim to be paperless when possible.
Before the next class period, please review the components of this course website, including the daily schedule, assignment descriptions, and course policies. We will review each of these areas together during the second week of class, and it will be helpful if you have read through them first.