Similar to past electronic peer review activities students will trade gmail addresses to comment on each other's documents. Remember the goals of the annotated bibliography assignment: to provide a short summary of the source and an indication of how the source fits into the thesis-driven argument. We will again be using the "suggesting mode" and commenting functions to interact with each other's documents.
Please follow the steps below to prepare your document:
- Make a copy of your annotated bibliography in your essay 3 folder, labeling it "annotated bibliography_peer review"
- Insert the thesis statement (or thesis idea) at the top of this new document
- Turn on "suggesting mode"
- Share your document with the email address you've been given
Use the following steps for the peer review process:
- Open your peer's document from the "shared with me" files
- Close other documents in your browser
- Check for and comment on the how well your peer has met the requirements for this assignment:
- Sources: five sources, including 3 scholarly articles or books, 2 popular magazine articles or web sites
- Annotations: highlight in one color the summary part of the annotation, and in another the evaluation/application. Comment on each part. Remember the 4-5 sentence requirement for both.
- Quotations: how/where are quotations used? Are they integrated and cited properly?
Once you have completed the peer review on your peer's bibliography, close the document, and work on your revision portfolio.
- Mechanics and style: comment closely on at least two of the annotations (more if we have time), reading sentences carefully for the overall sentence quality. Aim for at least two constructive comments per annotation. Do the annotations make sense? Can you see how they would help inform an argument? Are the repetitive or original?